Positive Ageing Forum in Yankalilla

As Australians enter their golden years, ageing well becomes a topic of great interest. While on the surface, this may appear straight forward, it is important for all of us to better understand what actions we can take to improve our own positive ageing experience.

Throughout my time as the Federal Member for Mayo, I have been a passionate advocate for matters relating to older Australians and aged care. To provide residents of Mayo with an opportunity to engage with me and guest speakers about ageing and age care, I will be hosting a Positive Ageing Forum at Club Fleurieu on Thursday 17 October 2024.

The Forum will host a variety of speakers, offering valuable advice to assist with the positive ageing journey. Alongside guests speakers, special interest groups will also be present, providing attendees with a chance to learn more about the services they provide across the Fleurieu region.

I am pleased to advise guest speakers will include:

  • Chris Grice, Chief Advocate, National Seniors – discussing current issues at a National level.
  • Prof Tanya Buchanan – Dementia Australia – discussing current research and news.
  • Salvino Provino – who will share an understanding dementia from a family perspective.
  • Sarah Andrews – Exercise Physiologist – offering tips to be physically proactive.
  • Tim Donlan, Donlan Lawyers – Where there is a Will there is a family.
  • Patricia Sparrow – CEO of Council of the Aging Australia.

To secure a ticket to this free community event, simply visit https://events.humanitix.com/positive-ageing-on-the-fleurieu or call my team on: 08 8398 5566

Get in touch with Rebekha
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